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Clean Skincare at Sephora

clean skincare at sephora



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Everything looks shiny and new at Sephora, but clean skincare at Sephora is super important to us. No matter how tempting it might be nor how many endorsements a product might have, if a product isn’t clean, we’re not buying it.

clean skincare at sephora

This shift into mindful beauty was a bit of a work in progress. Years ago, we began to focus on eating mostly healthy foods (with a little bit of cheats here and there) with a focus on healthy ingredients. The next logical step seemed to be ensuring that what we apply to our skin (our largest organ) should be as clean as possible.

Plus, there have been great strides in the beauty industries in recent years. Long gone are the days of meh moisturizes and dull lipsticks. Now, you can get high quality, beneficial, and safe products to put on your skin. Why use anything toxic when you can opt for healthy?

Clean Skincare at Sephora: Spring Sale Edition

We took advantage of the Sephora Spring Sale this year to re-buy some of our favourite clean skincare products, which we’ve linked below.

We are not currently making any affiliate commissions on these recommendations, but only sharing what we love and hope you get some helpful information to use.

tatcha skincare products
  • Tatcha’s Rice Wash is a decadent face cleanser. It has a slight exfoliant, but is gentle enough to use daily. Plus, it has a lovely smell.
  • Tatcha’s Dewy Skin Cream is a luxurious face moisturizer. This cream is rich, without being heavy nor oily (at least not on combination skin). Using it feels like doing a facial at home. When we use it at night, we notice that our skin feels and looks plump the next morning. If you’re using it during the day be sure to apply sunscreen on top of it.
face cleansing balm pharmacy
  • Farmacy Clearly Clean was one of the first makeup cleansing balms we used. Years later, we’re still using it. We’ve noticed that over time, and in conjunction with other cleansing products and good moisturizes, this leaves our skin extremely clean and radiant. Highly recommend.
drunk elephant must haves for clean skin care
supergoop sunscreen for summer
  • Supergoop’s Unseen Sunscreen is our go-to daily sunscreen for our faces. Regular body sunscreens tend to make us break out, so we are sure to apply this every day. It’s smooth and non-greasy. We will admit that when we’re in Portugal, we have to reapply this sunscreen throughout the day more often than when we’re in Toronto. That’s not much of a surprise since there are over 300 sunny days in Portugal and the sun feels more aggressive there than here.
freebie from sephora

These were samples that Sephora provided with our purchase. Out of these, we’ve only tried the eye cream. We’re looking forward to trying the rest and letting you know how they turned out!

more freebies from sephora

Have you tried any of these clean skincare items? Let us know which one is your go-to product in the comments below.

-Isabel and Marilyn

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  1. Tess Kazenoff says:

    These are such great recommendations! I love all these brands. Thanks for sharing them 🙂

  2. Sara Meyer says:

    Ingredients are very important when it comes to what we put on our skin.

  3. Chloe says:

    These brands looks great. I’ve used to Biossance vitamin C rose oil and it’s lovely – would recommend!

  4. Susye says:

    If you have never tried Juice Beauty products, I highly recommend them. They are the original green, true clean beauty and are better than anything you can buy at Sephora. I’m 53, and people tell me I look in my 30s, so I can testify to the products’ effectiveness!

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