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What to do in Spring: Activities to Help You Bloom

woman outdoors in spring or summer



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The winter in Toronto has been quite mild; however, I’ve still been in a bit of a winter rut with low energy and at times, even lower moods. With the promise of spring on the horizon, I’ve put together a list of what to do in spring that I hope will give me renewed energy, and in turn, improved moods, that I can carry with me into the next few months.

Maybe you’ve also struggled with this and could use some suggestions of how to make the transition from the winter blues to spring happiness.

woman outdoors in spring or summer

Some of these items listed I’ve done before and know they work, for example working out, but for one reason or another, I haven’t been doing as much as I’d like. I’ve added them to this list so they can serve as a reminder to myself and to you of what to do in spring that can bring lots of joy and have tremendous rewards later down the road.

What to do in Spring for Your Mental & Physical Health

  • Take an art class, such as painting, sculpting, or pottery. There are virtual classes via Skillshare and Udemy. If you prefer in-person classes, check out your community center, art studios or art gallery.
  • Go for an outdoor run. You’ll breathing in fresh air, listen to the sounds of birds chirping, and feel your endorphins kick in. Simply amazing.
  • Read a book from your TBR (to be read) pile. If you don’t have one of these, then read a book you think you’ll love. Want to read a romance novel? Great. Want to read a classic? Perfect. Want to read a YA that none of your friends like? Do it. You don’t always have to read what everyone else deems important or relevant or sophisticated. Read (and watch) what you enjoy and what makes you happy without apology.
  • Do yoga. If you can, do a yoga flow outdoors. Even a simple sun salutation will get your blood flowing and your mind relaxed.
  • Spend time with pets. If you don’t have pets, it might be a good time to visit an aquarium or a zoo.
  • Ride a bike. Remember these wise words:

To keep your balance, you must keep moving

-Albert Einstein
a white bike and basket for a bike ride

For Your Living Space

  • Spruce up your tabletops with fresh flowers.
  • Remove your winter duvets and replace them with spring-themed bedding. Even decorative pillows and light blankets will do the trick in giving your space a lighter and fresher feel. Don’t forget to open your windows when possible (and safe!) to do so.
  • Spring clean. There are many articles written, such as this one in Country Living that details the history of spring cleaning, as well as others, such as this Vogue article, that explains why so many people feel the urge to spring clean and its perceived benefits. There are also spiritual beliefs behind spring cleaning. Many people believe that a cluttered living space equals a cluttered life. If you declutter your physical space, you declutter your life and make way for more of the things you want and are better for you. Is this true? Try it and see.
  • Go through your wardrobe and donate what you don’t use or like anymore. Throw out what no longer serves you. Keep what you love.
  • Store your winter coats and boots. I truly love my winter coat and boots – I’m so appreciate to have a warm coat and waterproof boots, but it’s time to put them away for a few months and make way for a different rhythm – grab and go out the door.

What to Eat and Drink

  • Make more smoothies and juices. I absolutely love my Vitamix, which easily blends fruits and vegetables into delicious, healthy drinks.
  • Homemade Hummus. I’ve mentioned this before, but this hummus recipe is my favourite and it’s so great to have this on hand for a healthy snack.
  • Try a new Spring Salad with fresh ingredients. You can find a recipe, but you can also toss some of your favourite ingredients and whatever leftovers you have in the fridge and whip up your own original healthy salad.
  • Try a new recipe from a cookbook on your shelf. During lockdown, I collected a few cookbooks, and I haven’t gone through them enough as I’d like. If you find you also have some dust-collected cookbooks, now a perfect time to experiment and try that recipe you’ve been curious about.
  • Visit a farmers market. Fresh produce, tasty treats, fair prices. What’s not to love?
a healthy heart salad for spring

Bloom Your Social Circle

  • Join a book club. There are so many to choose from by simply conducting a Google search and filtering through what you’re interested in.
  • Go for a walk with a friend.
  • Have a date night. Set aside a specific night each week where you can spend quality time with someone.
  • Reach out to friend you’ve been wondering about. Chances are, they’ll be happy to hear from you.
  • Have a screen-free evening. This can be with your family, your partner, or your friends. Whatever you plan on doing, make sure it doesn’t involve screen time. Play a board game, talk with one another, listen to music, make plans for your future. The possibilities are endless.
Screen free activity
A sign inside one of my favourite coffee shops in Lisbon. It wasn’t funny at the time because I really needed to send an email and didn’t notice this sign until after I’d paid for my coffee and set up my work station. It’s funny now.

My goal is to try to do the majority of these between now and June. I’ll be sure to report back. In the meantime, check us out on Instagram, where I’ll share updates on how well I’m going down this list.

Let me know in the comments below which of these items appeal to you and which you’re going to try.


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  1. Tess says:

    These are all such good ideas! Can’t wait to try some of them 🙂

  2. Alexandra Markin says:

    I’ve always thought about joining a book club and keep forgetting about it, but this year I’m seriously going to look into joining one! Thank you for the reminder!

  3. Makuyo says:

    Love these ideas!

  4. Chloe says:

    Some excellent ideas! I’ve actually just found a local book club that I’m hoping to join!

  5. Sara says:

    Photography in this blog is amazing!

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