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3 Healthy Snacks for Adults

healthy snacks for adults



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You might not know this about me, but I trained as a ballet and modern dancer for many years. Nine years to be precise, although it felt, and still feels, like it was much longer than that because it was so intense and took up most of my time and my thoughts, and influenced what I did and what I ate. One of my ballet teachers once told me that if I wanted to slim down then the solution was easy: “No snacks!” she yelled. It took me years to discover that we don’t have to deprive ourselves of food when we are hungry, especially in between meals, when there is an abundance of healthy snacks for adults that we can and should eat for nourishment.

I’m not a dietician, nor a nutritionist, but for years I’ve sought out healthier food options whenever possible. It was the main reason why I switched from morning coffee to morning matcha. When I eat healthy foods, I feel better than when I eat unhealthy foods. My energy increases, I’m more focussed and productive, I sleep better, and my mood is improved. You’ve probably noticed similar improvements in yourself when you eat the healthier option.

The problem is that finding healthy snacks for adults is sometimes difficult, especially if you’re on the go.

healthy snacks for adults

Sure, it’s easy to grab a chocolate bar during the mid-day slump, but you know this isn’t the best decision for you if you want to be more mindful of what you are eating. The key is to make your own healthy snacks so that you are not dependent on eating whatever unhealthy option is available to you when you’re already hungry. If you let yourself get to this point (think: hangry) you will not make the best food decisions.

3 Healthy Snacks for Adults I Make Regularly

You have most likely tried all the suggestions listed here; however, I have shared my absolute favourite healthy snacks for adults. I hope you try these and I hope you love them just as much as I do.


There are a ton of hummus recipes that claim to be the best. I know this because I’ve tried several, and I occasionally still see new ones claiming to be the ultimate recipe.

My favourite hummus recipe is this one by Goop.

There are other creative options, such as Smoked Paprika Hummus and Sweet Potato Hummus, but the original Hummus recipe is the easiest and the tastiest.

Hummus by Goop
Image Credit: Goop

Paleo Blueberry Muffins

I love blueberry muffins and I’ve tried several recipes from Paleo Running Momma, but this one is my favourite.

You don’t have to follow a paleo diet to enjoy this, in fact, I’ve served these blueberry muffins to many people who don’t follow paleo, and they’ve all said the same thing, “These are the best muffins I’ve ever tasted.” Give them a try and see what you think.

paleo blueberry muffins by paleo running momma
Image Credit: Paleo Running Momma

Deviled Eggs

Eggs are a great healthy snack, and they can be used in so many different ways. One of these options is this deviled eggs recipe by Lisa Bryan of Downshiftology.

deviled eggs by downshiftology
Image Credit: Downshiftology

3 Healthy Snacks for Adults: Easier Than You Think

As you can see, all the above-mentioned recipes are relatively easy to make. Another bonus is that you can easily make a batch of any of these and take them with you. You will never need to buy a chocolate bar on the go again 😉

Let me know what you think of these suggestions, or if you have another favourite! Comment below.


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