Be the Leading Lady in Your Life.


Short Reads-Jo Varnish, Meg Pillow & Louise Glück

short reads by varnish, pillow, and gluck



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Even though these short reads are exactly that – short, they are not short on substance. In fact, many flash pieces, including those we’ve already shared with you, are multi-layered, unique, and impactful.

This week, we’re sharing three short reads from some of our favourite writers.

The first piece is a work of fiction and is written by Marilyn’s friend and colleague, Jo Varnish. While this particular piece is categorized as fiction, Varnish also writes creative nonfiction and is the Creative Nonfiction Editor at X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine. This is one of our all-time favourite flash fiction pieces.

You’ve already been introduced to Meg Pillow when we listed her piece, “We All Know About Margo,” and who is also one of our favourite flash writers. This next piece is a creative nonfiction piece and we’re sure many of you will relate to its topic.

Lastly, a poem by Louise Glück, who passed away last week at the age of eighty. In 2020, Glück won the Nobel Prize in Literature. The New Yorker has written an article discussing her works and relevancy and has also shared details about some of her works.

Let us know if the comments which one of these short reads is your favourite.

short reads by varnish, pillow, and gluck

Two Flash & One Poem – Our Selection of Riveting Reads

“It was about rain, and not movie-type powerful rain, but the ordinary, underwhelming rain, about puddly roads and wet, decaying fliers against the curb. It was about dogs barking, one deep big woof woof woof, another lighter, higher pitch: uff, uff, uff, in the distance. It was about the train—or more truly, the tracks—running across the high street and off towards the city, begging to be followed. It was about betrayal. It was about her friend’s dad, slowing beside her, offering a ride, No sense in getting drenched!

Jo Varnish

“I’m on the elevator alone for one floor before the man gets on.  He stands in one corner, staring at his phone. I drink my coffee. At the next floor, two more men get on. They flank me, laughing and talking about some game somewhere. I pull my arms in at my sides, try to become smaller….”

Meg Pillow

  • Song,” by Louise Glück.

“We make plans
to walk the trails together.
When, I ask him,
when? Never again:
that is what we do not say.”

Louise Glück

Let us know which one you love!

-Isabel & Marilyn

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