This past week, we were lucky enough to have friends visit Lisbon. That was enough reason for us both to drive away from the Portuguese countryside and straight into the Chiado neighbourhood during a very busy Saturday afternoon – even as we got a flat tire, but that’s another story for another day. What’s important here is that we found the famous store that is known for the best chocolate cake in Lisbon.

One of our favourite things to do in Lisbon, aside from catching up with friends while taking in the beautiful scenery, is walking up and down the cobblestone streets. Each and every time, we discover something new that we fall in love with.
This time, it was Lisbon’s best chocolate cake – or at least one of many places that claim to have the best chocolate cake in Lisbon.

We had heard about Landeau Chocolate and that it was famous for its chocolate cake, with many people raving that it was the best chocolate cake in the world. As chocolate lovers, we had asked friends of ours, who had tasted it, what their thoughts were and their opinions were divided.
Some said it was earth-shattering good while others said it was good but not the best in the world.
As we walked up a steep hill, we paused in front of a shop and realized it was the famous home of Landeau Chocolate and so decided to try it.

The verdict: The cake was definitely amazing. We can’t say it was the best chocolate cake ever in the whole world, but it is a contender. Admittedly, best is a tough title to own, and so we’re happy with pretty amazing. If you visit Lisbon, we’d recommend you try a slice or two.
By the way, the cake is almost all finished, so isn’t that a sign that it was mouth-watering good?
-Isabel & Marilyn
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